
Adds "Quick Mail" to Tools. Send text or html email with attachments and shortcodes from WP Dashboard or command line.


Quick Mail is the easiest way to send email with attachments to WordPress users on your site, or send private replies to comments. Compatible with multisite.

Send a quick email from WordPress Dashboard to WordPress users, or anyone. Adds Quick Mail to Tools menu and comment replies.

Send a Web page, file, or message from the command line with quick-mail command for WP-CLI.

* Does not use the Gutenberg editor or REST API. *

Edit messages with TinyMCE to add images, rich text and shortcodes.

Uses sender's name, sets reply to sender's address. Recognizes settings from Mailgun, SparkPost and Sendgrid plugins.

Multiple files from up to six directories (folders) can be attached to a message.

Privacy options to help comply with General Data Protection Regulation.


Learn More



  1. Download the latest release and unpack in your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu.


wp plugin install https://github.com/mitchelldmiller/quick-mail-wp-plugin/archive/master.zip --activate


  1. Visit the settings page at Settings -> Quick Mail to configure the plugin for your site.
  2. Optional: Install WP-CLI to send mail from the command line.
  3. Optional: Install Mailgun, SparkPost or Sendgrid plugin to send reliable email.
  4. Optional: Install experimental Replace Quick Mail Sender plugin, to change administrator's credentials.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who can send mail?

Who can send rich text messages?

Where Do I Find Sent Emails?

Selecting Recipients

Mail Delivery Services

Sending Mail from Other Addresses



Some devices cannot upload files. According to Modernizr :

iOS < 6 and some android version don't support this

Address Validation

Mail Errors

Incompatible Plugins

Stop Emails displays To send emails, disable the plugin.

If you are using an email delivery service, you can ignore this message.

Customizing Quick Mail


Replace sender credentials. Expects an associative array with values for name and email.

See Replace Quick Mail Sender plugin for examples.


Replace default CLI attachment message.


Replace default CLI attachment subject.


Replace quick mail comment style.


Replace title for private comment reply on comments list.


Replace minimum user capability.

Translators and Programmers


Quick Mail is free for personal or commercial use. Encourage future development with a donation.


Banner image by Tumisu.